PPO-CWX-006-WETO: Offshore Wind Workforce Readiness

Active Solicitation

Submission Deadline: December 13, 2024 5 PM ET

Questions? Reach out to us at info@connectwerx.org


WETO is looking to support education and training programs that offer (a) apprenticeship readiness programs, (b) registered apprenticeship programs, or (c) maritime/mariner programs, with particular attention to programs that support underserved communities. Recipients of this funding can include local or state governments, Tribes, workforce boards, institutions of higher education (especially Minority Serving Institutions), organized labor, industry, or other education and training providers that further education and training programs as they relate to the deployment of offshore wind in the United States. Successful applicants will have hiring commitments from employer partners. These awards will build upon existing training infrastructure and consider regional variability.

How to Apply

Complete the submission form and upload the appropriate project information and supporting documentation in the application link below for PPO-CWX-006-WETO.

Submissions are due no later than Friday, December 13, 2024 at 5 PM ET

Submissions must include the following files as indicated in the below chart using the required templates.

File TitleMax PagesFile Type
Project Narrative (Template)7MS Word, PDF, PPT
Budget Workbook (Template)Excel, PDF
Letters of Support

Note: At least one letter from an employer partner and at least one letter from community partner is required.
10MS Word, PDF

Submission Requirements

Responses shall be submitted by the date and time specified above. Click here to apply.

Files shall be submitted in Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat format, and not be larger than 5MB each. ZIP files and other application formats are not acceptable. All files shall be print-capable, without a password. Filenames must contain the appropriate extension and shall not contain special characters*. Appropriate files extensions are:

Application / FileValid Extensions
Portable Document Files (Adobe Acrobat PDF).pdf
Microsoft Word (MS Word).doc / .docx
Microsoft Power Point (MS PPT).ppt / .pptx
Microsoft Excel.xls

Late submissions will not be accepted. Submissions can be made in advance of the deadline and updated (or files replaced) up to the deadline.


  1. Address the immediate and anticipated workforce needs of the domestic offshore wind industry through the deployment of trainings.
  2. Broaden paths to high quality offshore wind jobs.
  3. Deliver holistic supportive services to training participants.

Event Updates

How to Participate

  1. Review details on eligibility.
  2. Watch the Informational Webinar/Objective Strategic Session on October 10, 2024 at 2 PM ET.
  3. Attend the Office Hours on November 20, 2024 at 2 PM ET, click here to join.
  4. Complete the submission form and upload the appropriate project information and supporting documentation in the application link for PPO-CWX-006-WETO. Submissions are due no later than Friday, December 13, 2024 at 5 PM ET.

Important Dates and Resources

Submission Deadlines

Friday, December 13, 2024 at 5 PM ET

Opportunity Announcement

The Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) Offshore Wind Workforce Readiness launched on September 30, 2024.  Please click here for announcement article for more information.

Objective Strategic Session

Objective Strategic Session/Informational Webinar was held on October 10, 2024 at 2 PM ET.

Information “Office Hours” Session(s)

Informational Office Hours will be held on November 20, 2024 at 2 PM ET, click here to join.

Process Details


  • September 30, 2024: Project Application Period Open: DOE begins accepting applications.
  • October 10, 2024: Objective Strategic Session/Informational Webinar (OSS/IW): ConnectWerx & DOE will provide further details about the funding opportunity. Interested collaborative performers can join to better understand the scope, scale, and intent of the opportunity and ask questions. The virtual OSS will took place on October 10 at 2 PM ET.
  • November 20, 2024: Informational Office Hours: Interested applicants have the opportunity to ask additional questions of DOE on November 20 at 2 PM ET.
    • Note: An additional Office Hours session may be held in early December depending upon questions and request.
  • December 13, 2024: Application period closes.
  • Early 2025: Government review and selection of performers to receive funding.
  • Summer 2025: Activities begin.

Eligibility & Review Criteria

Prime Recipients

  1. Local or state governments;
  2. Indian tribes;
  3. Workforce boards;
  4. Institutions of higher education (especially Minority Serving Institutions);
  5. Organized labor, including union training programs;
  6. Apprenticeship readiness programs
  7. Trade schools;
  8. Manufacturing associations;
  9. Industry;
  10. Community based organizations; or
  11. Other education and training providers that further education and training programs as they relate to the deployment of offshore wind.

Project Partners and Subrecipients

  1. Employer partners, including, but not limited to, manufacturers energy service providers; skilled trades organizations; or vessel operators
  2. Other workforce development and career training institutions (i.e., a college could apply with a union as a subrecipient or partner, or a union could apply with a college subrecipient or partner).
  3. Workforce system institutions (e.g., workforce development boards).
  4. Community-based organizations.
  5. State, local, and territorial governmental entities, including local education agencies and high schools.
  6. Indian tribes.
  7. Four-year colleges and universities. Applicants are highly encouraged to partner with Tribal colleges and universities and other Minority-Serving Institutions.
  8. Federally funded research and development centers, both DOE-sponsored and non-DOE-sponsored.


1. Uses best practices in workforce development (40%)

Trains for in-demand jobs and explicitly attends to job quality and job access (15%)

The project proposes to train for roles that are (A) in demand, (B) connected to domestic offshore wind energy, and (C) have markers of quality jobs, in line with U.S. Department of Labor’s “Good Job Principles”.

Includes employer partners and job placement (15%)

The project is likely to deliver training that leads to industry-recognized credentials, job placement, and employee retention.

Employs effective workforce development strategies (10%)

The project utilizes effective workforce development strategies and demonstrates that the project can implement declared workforce development strategies effectively.

• Applicant lists focal job titles or career pathways, with ties to offshore wind industry.

• Applicant commits to addressing high job quality and accessibility (e.g., expected wages, benefits, opportunity for career advancement).



• Applicant includes 1+ Letter(s) of Commitment from employer partner(s).

• Applicant includes program enrollment goals as well as job placement goals.


Applicant allocates appropriate resources to support their strategy in the Budget Workbook, and/or clearly describes any non-DOE resources that will support program deployment.

• Applicant outlines their plan to implement existing resources to achieve job placement goals outlined in section.

2. Serves Offshore Wind Industry (20%)

This project directly impacts the offshore wind industry.

• Applicant demonstrates knowledge of the domestic offshore wind industry and articulates how their training will meet the needs of industry.
• Applicant clearly describes experience working with industry partners to provide hands-on training that benefits workers.
• Applicant describes employee partner’s involvement in offshore wind industry and how any partners will be incorporated into the project.

3. Provides participant benefits (20%)

The project proposes to create specific and meaningful benefits to program participants commensurate with the project scope. Supportive services are provided to program participants.

• Applicant demonstrates partnerships to administer supportive services.
• Applicant includes 1+ Letter(s) of Commitment from such organization.
• Applicant describes plan to provide supportive services to program participants including, but not limited to, transportation stipends, childcare, meals, or other needs, particularly those unique to the local community.
• To the greatest extent possible, scope of work will take place in and serve a recognized Energy Justice community, as identified by the DOE Energy Justice Dashboard.

4. Includes a robust project management approach, team, and budget (20%)

The applicant proposes an effective use of existing resources and reasonable budget to complete the project, and includes sustainability plans as applicable.

• Applicant suggests an overall budget and budget breakdown commensurate with the project’s workplan, leaving minimal ambiguity about how the project will pay for proposed activities.
• Applicant’s Project Proposal includes a workplan, including goals and milestones.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a PIA and why is DOE/WETO pursuing this approach? 
    • Partnership Intermediary Agreements (PIAs) are agreements between the Federal government and non-Federal partners (partnership intermediaries or PIs) designed to increase outreach to and engagement with small business firms, institutes of higher education, and non-traditional partners.
  • Who is eligible to apply?
    • Refer to the eligibility section in the opportunity page.
  • How does an applicant apply? What is required in the application?
    • Information about how to apply, application materials, and deadlines are available on the opportunity page.
  • Can several entities apply together as a collaborative if they choose to do so?
    • Yes. DOE prefers pre-formed partnerships or teams of eligible applicants. A single lead entity should submit the application, describing the roles of partner entities. DOE will take into consideration the scope of work proposed by all proposed partners as part of the review process.
  • What is the maximum number of entities that could be funded as part of the collaborative?
    • We currently expect approximately 5-10 entities to be funded by this opportunity with the final number of entities subject to funding availability and individual award amounts. The highest amount for a single applicant award is $250,000.
  • Is it a requirement for the collaborative to include an academic institution?
    • There is no requirement for an academic institution to be included in the collaborative.
  • Can the period of performance extend beyond one year?  
    • The performance period for these awards is scheduled to end in April of 2026, however, applicants are free to propose projects with a shorter or longer duration. The final Period of Performance will be determined during contract negotiations.