CWX-014-SETO: Solar Workforce Technical Assistance Program

Upcoming Solicitation

Submission Deadline: TBD
Questions? Reach out to us at


ConnectWerx, a Partnership Intermediary of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in collaboration with the Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) will establish a Solar Workforce Technical Assistance Program to support effective workforce training programs for careers in solar energy. The program will facilitate partnership building and peer-to-peer learning opportunities and provide training resources, technical assistance, and funding to encourage the identification and adoption of best practices for solar training programs. With funding of around $8,000,000, DOE expects to make 1-3 larger award(s) to national non-profit organizations with expertise in solar workforce development to establish the program, and subsequently to make multiple smaller awards to community-based organizations, community colleges, and other training providers to participate in the program.

As a first step, ConnectWerx will host, on behalf of DOE, a Collaboration Event to hear perspectives from relevant stakeholders and experts, including training organizations, the solar industry, and workers on the scope, focus, and prioritization of proposed workstreams, and other needs from the solar industry, training providers, and members of the solar workforce.

More information on the date for the proposed collaboration event and competitive solicitation will be coming soon.


  • What is a PIA and why is DOE pursuing this approach?
    • Partnership Intermediary Agreements (PIAs) are agreements between the Federal government and non-Federal partners (partnership intermediaries or PIs) designed to increase outreach to and engagement with small business firms, institutes of higher education, and non-traditional partners.
  • How will the agreement process work after DOE selection?
    • Upon conclusion of selection from DOE Program Office Representative (POR) and finalization of milestone schedule, ConnectWerx will issue a business-to-business (B2B) agreement to the lead performer for review and execution. The B2B agreement will contain mandatory flowdowns from the prime Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) executed between DOE and Advanced Technology International.
  • How does invoicing and payments work with ConnectWerx?
    • Upon completion of milestones, invoices will be submitted to ConnectWerx for review with DOE and payment release. Incremental payments to the performer will be made in accordance with the established milestones and deliverables as written (and approved by DOE POR) in the B2B agreements. The payment schedule for each project is to be determined based on negotiated milestones and deliverables. Please be aware, additional documentation and support for expenditures may be requested as determined by DOE.
  • Is my organization eligible to apply? 
    • DOE or ConnectWerx will not make eligibility determinations for potential applicants prior to the date on which applications to this opportunity must be submitted. The decision whether to apply in response to this opportunity lies solely with the applicant.