Grid Deployment Office (GDO) OSS/Informational Webinar
12/05/24 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST
This opportunity seeks to develop regionally focused consortia of utilities, not-for-profit and for-profit organizations to provide technical assistance in addressing the on-going delays in the interconnection process. (Note: the size of the region can be a single utility territory or encompass an area served by multiple Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs)). The Grid Deployment Office intends to initiate a project to develop AI software tools and automation that includes but not limited to demonstrating site control, qualitatively evaluate permits, site access agreements, and other documentation provided as part of an interconnection application and compare the submitted information against the requirements at the state, county, municipality, utility, and/or system operator level. If successful, the tool would ideally provide interconnection applicants with an indicator on the likelihood that their application and site control documentation is conformant to the requirements.
Purpose: The Objective Strategic Session (OSS) is an opportunity for potential performers and interested parties to learn more about PIA opportunities facilitated by ConnectWerx via webinar. DOE will provide an overview of the opportunity and additional details directly to OSS participants. OSS participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the opportunity directly to DOE and ConnectWerx.
Grid Development Office (GDO) OSS/Informational Webinar Registration
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